Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Make your Windows XP look like Windows 7

Let's say you really love how Windows 7 looks. But you don't have money to buy a copy or you do not wish to part from your sturdy, loyal Windows XP workhorse. No problem. Today, I will show you how you can make your Windows XP look smarter, sharper, cooler, more modern, all for free and about 10-15 minutes of your time.
There are millions of desktop customization and tweaking articles all over the Web. I will hardly be reinventing the wheel. Therefore, to make things simpler, I will refer to several popular and useful sources that served as an inspiration for this article, as well as provide you with a wealth of links and resources to even more customization and beautification guides. Let us begin.

Get the tools!

For this, you will need to go to askvg.com, Tweaking with Vishal, where you will find detailed instructions how to get your Windows XP transformed into art-deco post-nuevo thingamajig.
There are several themes available, I will use the SevenVG Black RTM theme, with the Windows 7 superbar. Alternatively, you can go for Normal taskbar, as well as use the standard theme. The guide also offers additional tweaks, including icons, boot screen, welcome screen, cursors, taskbar, wallpaper, shutdown, system properties, and other elements. Download the theme, but don't run it just yet.

Patch system to allow non-Microsoft themes

Before you can use a theme that has not been digitally signed by Microsoft, you will have to run the UXtheme Patcher, to override this. The link provided is for Windows XP SP3. There's a separate utility for Windows XP SP2, so please pay attention.
Patch theme

Install & Apply theme

After running the utility, reboot for the changes to take effect. Once the system comes up, you can apply the downloaded theme, in our case SevenVG Black RTM.
Install theme
After the theme is installed, your desktop will look something like this:
Start menu
Decent, but nothing special yet. We can definitely improve it a bit.

Further customization

In addition to many suggestions offered in the original article, you may want to try a few more tweaks. For example, change the wallpaper, place the Quicklaunch bar on the far right as a vertical bar and use large icons, add the Address bar to the top of the panel, so you have a sort-of-integrated search-run applet always available, and change the fonts. How about that? Maybe not the brightest idea in the world, but it could work.
Which is exactly what I did ... Something like this:
Search zoomed
Or perhaps:

Use Styler for extra tweaks

You may also want to try Styler to make your desktop even prettier. Styler is included with the theme, so you just need to run the installer and follow the instructions.
Styler will let you use additional tweaks, like shadows, font type ad contrast, icon spacing, hiding desktop icons for minimal clutter, and more. For example:
Keep on playing until you get the desired results:
Another desktop
Here's the Taskbar, with several windows open. I'm not using the Superbar feature, which I do not find that intuitive or productive. If you don't like the Taskbar size, you can use the theme offering the slimmer, normal-sized one.
The Control Panel:
Control Panel
Here's what Firefox feels like:
Reasonably lovely, ain't it? Not the actual style, the hack.


Now, several great resources to help you in your artistic quest. Some of the articles refer to Windows XP, others are for Windows 7. Whatever the case, you will find many links and cross-references to other useful tools, tips and tricks for better and more stylish visualization.
Windows 7 desktop customization guide (my own, another article)
AskVG (the one Windows theming, skinning, customization site to rule them all)
Aerosnap (Aero for Windows XP)
Visual Tooltip (shows thumb previews of open windows like Opera)
Windows 7 themes (thread on Wilders Security forums, with many useful links)
Windows 7 - The new XP (thread on Wilders Security forums, with many useful links)


If you see no reason in switching to Windows 7 and would still like to impress your divorced neighbor, then you now have the tools to make your aging Windows XP look posh and nobby.
Using the available themes and additional utilities, Windows XP can be given a complete visual makeover to make it virtually indistinguishable from the newer Windows releases. While the Embedded, Royale and Royale Noir themes for Windows XP are already great, slick, rounded, soft, and precise, you now have an whole new repertoire of bells and whistles to show off.
Whether you keep on using Windows XP or move on is entirely up to you. But if you don't want to be forced, you have the option to make your Windows XP look any which way. Hopefully, you've liked my article. For an artistically challenged oldtimer, I believe I've done a rather decent job polishing up the desktop, dontcha think?
If you have more tips or tricks to suggest, feel free to email me. Many thanks to Raji for inspiring the article. See ya around.
In order to patch the server do these steps:
1. Download the CS 1.6 Non Steam 47+48 protocol patcher and unzzip it . Copy the files to your main directory (where hlds.exe is).
2. Open cstrike\server.cfg and add these lines:
Don`t forget to set the sv_lan 0 in server.cfg.

Counter Strike 1.6 COD MW 2 MOD

Download Counter Strike 1.6 Modren Warfare 2

As the name says, in this Counter Strike 1.6 version we tried to bring some of the MW2 look and gameplay into CS 1.6. This is not justa reskinned CS 1.6, the changes made to the game are significant.

Weapon skinns and models are made to look like those in Modern Warfare 2, player models, even some animations, too. We changed the sounds and some controls to make it feel like MW2 gameplay.

This CS 1.6 MW2 version is playable online, on any server you like, but you can play on a LAN server (with or without bots) started ingame from Create Server, if you like.

The mod was made by an international team, and adapted for online gameplaye and packed by us.

Installer size: 758 MB
Installed game size: 1.4 GB
Warning! If you recive an error at w_c4.mdl when trying to connect to online servers, download and install CS 1.6 MW2 Update 1.1 C4 Fix. Without this one you won`t be able to connect to some of these servers. Double click the exe and chose as installation folder, the game`s main directory (Counter Strike 1.6 Modern Warfare 2).
Download CS 1.6 MW2 Update 1.1 C4 Fix
Size: 300 KB

Some instructions for Counter Strike 1.6 Modern Warfare 2

1. Specific key bindings
- E - quick slash (press and hold down the key for fasn knife hit)
- F - quick flash throw (press and hold down the key ; you have to buy the flashbang first)
- Mouse 3 - quick he throw (press and hold down the key ; you have to buy the he grenade first)
- C - flashlight
- V - Use Item
2. If you want to change the specific binds, go to cstrike\userconfig.cfg (lines 71,76,81).
To disable those bindings just comment the lines (put // in front of them), and then bind whatever key you want ingame (Options -> Keyboard).

3. You can start a LAN listenserver from Create Server, and add bots.

4. You can enable/disable some plugins for listensever in

5. Thew game`s default instalation is on 1024x768 resolution. If you use a wide screen desktop you can change the backround, game menu, to fit to your resolution.
Go to Counter Strike 1.6 Modern Warfare 2\cstrike and delete or rename the resource folder. Rename resource_wide folder to resource, then in game chose the 1280X720 resolution.


Fighter FX 7.0  100 % bojn kto qitsa , nese lun LAN , munesh me lu ,.Ne server me sxe smunesh me edhe sxe edhe qitsa  ,kshtu  me F12 munesh me nal , me F12 i leshon apet. Extraktoni  dikun edhe hin te iconi FighterFX
Kujdes : Nese nuk e kini instalun cs ne C:\Program Files\Valve\  - , ather nuk ju bojn , ather duhet te veproni kshtu 
- Clikoni te iconi FighterFX tani hapet cheati , tani hini Cheat Configarition
- Pastaj shkoni tek ::Steam Patch directory :: pastaj shkoni search edhe  e hpyni cs tuaj ku e kni edhe iconin hl.exe

Hypnotick Hook

     Download BaDBoYv4.2.rar      

//====== Project VDC: Redux =====//== Version 2.09 - VAC2 Proof ===

//========== How To Install =========//===================================

extraktoni filen ne desktop, leshone roader tani hini ne lojen Counter-Strike

 HiddenESP CrossHairESP New Aimmethods Offsets via ini Colors
via cfg Hackname via ini "+" ESP BoxESP BallESP SpriteESP
NameESP DistanceESP WeaponESP SequenceESP HitESP
LineESP EntityESP ReloadESP AvDraw NoFlash NoSmoke
XQZ Lambert G
Trece de cheating death, SXE Injected si HL Guard

 DepthRange XQZ Wallhack . Trece de SXE Injected si HL Guard

 OpenGL Multihack. Features: Aimbot, Wallhack, SpeedHack,
FarESP, Entity, Full ESP, BunnyHop, Crosshairs, Flash Removal,
AimTimer, RadarHack, PlayerGlow, Lambert, FullBright, PixelStyle
si multe altele..
Trece de SXE Injected, HL Guard, Hackhunter

 Multihack OpenGL. Wallhack, Full ESP, Aimbot
Speedhack, Removals, NoRecoil.
Aimbot hitbox bones

OpenGL Multihack. VAC2 Proof, New Loader, Fixed improvements.
Imbunatatiri : trece de cheating death si de SXE Injected



n this page we will explain how to install Counter-Strike and Counter-Strike: Source. We assume you have some Linux knowledge. We will start with Counter-Strike: Source first, If you want to install Counter-Strike 1.6 skip to Page 6 'Linux: Install CS 1.6'

Installing Counter-Strike: Source (SRCDS)

First, lets create a directory where we will run the hldsupdatetool, run the following command:
mkdir srcds
Now we switch to the srcds we just created and download the hldsupdatetool.bin
cd srcds
wget http://www.cstrike-planet.com/dls/hldsupdatetool.bin
If all goes well you should now have the hldsupdatetool.bin in the srcds directory. Now we change the permission of hldsupdatetool.bin so we can execute it and extract the contents from hldsupdatetool.bin
chmod +x hldsupdatetool.bin 
 Note: after you run ./hldsupdatetool.bin you will get a prompt to agree with the terms and conditions, simply type yes and hit enter.

If all goes well, you should now have two files in the srcds directory, the hldsupdatetool.bin which we downloaded earlier, and asteam file the hldsupdatetool generated, this is the file we will use to install Counter-Strike: Source.

 Note: if you receive a 'uncompress: command not found' message it means your server does not have uncompress installed. You have two options to easily work around this, try the following while logged-in as root:
ln -s /bin/gunzip /bin/uncompress
Then try to run ./hldsupdatetool.bin again. If that does not work, or you do not have root privileges you can download the binary file we have available:
wget http://www.cstrike-planet.com/dls/steam

Now that you have the steam binary file, Type the following command to begin installing CS Source
chmod +x steam
./steam -command update -game "Counter-Strike Source" -dir .
 Note the period after -dir

By now, the Counter-Strike Source install should have started:

SRCDS now installing
SRCDS now installing

Install times will vary anywhere between 30-60 minutes depending on your server connection speed and how congested the Steam network is. Once setup has finished it will display a "HLDS installation up to date" message. Now we are ready to start the server.

Counter-Strike command line options

Below is a list of options you can use when starting up the server.

Initializes console mode

Automatically update the server when Steam updates are released

The HLDS mod you want to run

Amount of players to allow

The map to start the server with

The port number the server should run on. Can be left out if you plan on using the default port (27015).

Useful if you have multiple IPs and want to assign a particular IP to the server.

There are a couple of ways to start the server; for simplicity we will go the easy way. We want the server to run in the background, so we issue the following command:
./srcds_run -game cstrike -autoupdate +maxplayers 20 +map de_aztec > /dev/null 2>&1 &
If you are wondering what > /dev/null is; this will send no output, and the ending '&' will run the server in the background. This would be the most common way to start the server. Sometimes we like to see what is happening while the server is running, mostly for debugging purposes:
./srcds_run -game cstrike -autoupdate +maxplayers 20 +map de_aztec > srcds.log 2>&1 &
The above will start the server, send all output (logging) to a file called srcds.log and run in the background. Everything the server generates will be sent to srcds.log, very useful if you want to see any errors that are happening while the server is running.

 Note: if you choose to send output to a file, remember to periodically delete the file, it can grow quite large on an active server. Keep in mind this should be used mostly for debugging and not for a production server.

Page 6.

On the next page we'll cover CS 1.6 on Linux.


Map NameTypePostsDLsSizeDate AddedLast DownloadRating
cstrikesurf_snow_de_loop Surf6  12,5765.21 MBAug 20th, 20106hr 8min 28s ago4/5
cstrikesurf_metra Surf1  4,3413.04 MBAug 14th, 20104day 7hr 25min 35s ago4/5
cstrikesurf_drugfactory Surf3  7,8221.16 MBJan 24th, 20101day 1hr 5min 49s ago4/5
cstrikesurf_ski_5 Surf13  25,164620.90 KBDec 11th, 20096hr 8min 26s ago4/5
cstrikesurfmapv2 Surf1  6,673142.07 KBAug 9th, 20097hr 39min 58s ago4/5
cstrikesurf_medieval_final Surf3  8,902270.40 KBMay 14th, 20091day 4hr 25min 40s ago4/5
cstrikesurf_warped Surf12  18,305232.34 KBNov 9th, 200813hr 20min 25s ago4/5
cstrikesurf_supersonic Surf2  12,0041.08 MBOct 17th, 20081day 3hr 33min 40s ago4/5
cstrikesurf_megawave Surf4  12,905741.13 KBOct 17th, 200815hr 4min 52s ago4/5
cstrikesurf_ninja    Surf13  30,2601.41 MBOct 9th, 200810hr 26min 22s ago5/5
cstrikesurf_green Surf15  15,1261.25 MBOct 9th, 20081day 5hr 17min 44s ago4/5
cstrikesurf_ice_beach Surf5  12,779218.43 KBSep 29th, 200811hr 42min 58s ago5/5
cstrikesurf_tutorial Surf46  52,539950.96 KBApr 26th, 200713hr 29min 43s ago4/5
cstrikesurf_degeberga Surf13  15,1321.26 MBApr 14th, 20075day 1hr 8min 49s ago4/5
cstrikesurf_anders Surf35  22,400429.56 KBOct 4th, 20051day 14hr 55min 16s ago4/5
cstrikesurf_egypt Surf54  52,354204.76 KBSep 24th, 200513hr 29min 44s ago4/5
cstrikesurf_lavaflow Surf30